On that note, we have also up scaled our animals on the farm. We plan to have three runs of meat chickens, a dozen Berkshire pigs, and 80 turkeys. The upcoming plan is to add egg layers this summer and offer a meat CSA option in the future, for now we will sell direct.
We expanded our summer share openings to 65 members, and the new option for half shares. Also our "storage share" has changed to "extended share" and will be delivered thru December with greenhouse offering some nice greens.
I should also mention our Mushroom Workshop coming up this April 30th @ 10:00 am. I'm excited we are expanding on our old mushroom operation and adding a new variety this year. This brings me to some sad news about my health. I broke my calcaneus (heel bone) in March. Now after surgery (including screws and a metal plate) I plan to walk in a few weeks. I've been crutching and crawling, but thanks to friends and family we are still on schedule.